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Instagram close friend which is placed in the new Instagram updates with green color in the Insta stories bar, is one of the attractive features of this application that has attracted the attention of users, but what is close friend and what is its use? Stay with us.
Meaning of close friend
Close friend is an English word and a combination of two words Close meaning close and Friend meaning friend, which generally means close friend or close friend.
What is an insta close friend??
Above, we learned about the literal meaning of close friend, but what is close friend on Instagram? What is its use and how can it be used?
In the past, if you wanted to post a story, by uploading it to your page, your story would be displayed to all page audiences. If you didn’t want a certain person or people to see your story, you would hide them. This problem has happened to all those who have experienced an increase in Instagram followers. When you experience a sudden increase in followers by buying Instagram followers, the issue of hiding some followers becomes troublesome for you.

This method seems to be useful as long as your followers are low, but as your followers increase, it is almost impossible to hide a large number of followers in order not to show the story.
For this reason, Instagram has provided a feature called Close Friend for its users so that you can create a list of people you want to see your story, so that your story will be displayed in green and only to the list you have chosen.
One of the ways through which you can increase the engagement of your Instagram story and page is to buy Instagram story views. You can apply now to view the suggested packages.
Using the close friend function can have many benefits for users. For example, you want to post family or personal stories on your page, but you don’t want some people to see it, so by creating a close friend list, you will feel at ease that only the people you choose will see your story.

How to find out if we are in the close friend list?
As we said, close friend stories are green in color and this is the most obvious difference between normal stories, which are red, and close friend stories.
In the story bar, any green story you see indicates that you are a close friend of the person who posted that story.
But until the person publishes a close friend story, you won’t be able to find out if you are on their close friend list or not.
Of course, there is a trick in this field that sometimes comes in handy. You can go to the desired person’s page and watch his highlight stories. If he has highlighted a close friend’s story, you will see that story and realize that you are in that person’s close friends list.
But if you don’t see a close friend’s story in his highlights, you can’t know if you are on his list or not.

Close friend story in highlight
The stories that you put in your close friends, just like normal stories, remain in the story section for only 24 hours and then they are deleted, but just like normal stories, they have the ability to be placed in the highlight section of your Instagram.
The stories you put in your close friends have a green star mark above them, and when you highlight that story, there is also this green star above your story.
Like normal stories, close friend stories can also be deleted and you can delete them from your highlights whenever you want.
How to put a close friend story?
Before posting a close friend story, we need to make a list of people we want to be in our close friend. Creating a close friend list on Instagram is very easy. Just do the following steps in order:
- Open the Instagram app. Go to your profile and tap on the three line bar on the top right of the page.
- Find and select the Close Friend option.

- On the Close Friend List page, select (add) the people you want to add to your close friend list. You can use the magnifying glass to search for people’s IDs.
- Once you have selected your desired list for close friend, click on Done option to finalize your list.
- Your close friend list is ready. When uploading a story, just tap on the green sign at the bottom of the desired story so that your story will be displayed to people who are close friends.

Sometimes you may want to delete the number of people in your close friend list for various reasons. If you want to make changes to your close friend list, do the following:
- Choose Close Friend from the three-line menu above your profile.
- The list that is in your close friend will be displayed for you. In this case, find the person you want to remove from your close friend and click on the Remove option next to their ID.

final word
Above, we tried to address the most important points regarding the story of Close Friend and how to make Close Friend. If you know anything about this, share it with us and other audiences.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can our followers see our close friend list?
No, no one except you, even the people who are in your close friend list, can see the number of people in your close friend list. You may even put only 1 person in your close friend list, but that person will not know that only he is in your close friend list.
In order not to show our story for certain people, is it better to use close friends or to hide people?
If your page is public, it is out of your control to hide a large number of people, and you cannot practically hide a large number of people. Creating a close friend list only takes a few minutes and is not complicated at all.
How do I know if someone has removed me from their close friend list?
If someone removes you from their close friend list, no notification will be sent from Instagram that you have been removed from that person’s close friend list.