
What are the reasons for the sharp drop in Instagram pages?

What are the reasons for the sharp drop in Instagram pages?

In Iran, the Instagram application has become one of the most attractive social networks, and for this reason, an excellent space for generating income has been created for people active in this field.

Instagram is a good place to earn income, but sometimes you will face a drop in income. There is a decrease in income in every field and activity, and there is the same trend in Instagram, where it has been seen that people working on Instagram suddenly lost all that they had collected.

There are people who Buy followers They have made millions on their page and they earn fifty million tomans a month on Instagram, and suddenly their income drops to five or six million, which makes these people depressed. Instagram page down We will explain further.

It is possible that you personally have faced a sharp drop in your page or the number of visits to your page has decreased, there is a possibility that your stories will be seen less, and all these things will not affect your income. There are problems with solutions, the only thing you need to do is to know the problem of the page before anything else and try to fix it.

Why does the number of visits to the Instagram page suddenly decrease?

The question that exists is that page views have been very good, but all of a sudden, without any abnormal activity, page views have faced a lot of decline, what is the reason?

Many questions are seen and heard about this model, but the problem of all pages in this field is not the same, the drop in visits and so on Instagram page down There are many reasons, and to understand and solve this problem, this issue must be examined professionally.

Sometimes, the only reason for the drop in visits is the action block, or maybe the main reason is the lack of uniformity in the content of the page.

What is the reason for the sharp drop of Instagram pages after the passage of time?

Experiences in the field of Instagram show that no matter how successful you have a business page on Instagram, it is possible that you will face a decline after some time. There are famous pages on Instagram that have faced many declines after some time, but what is the reason for this problem?

There are many reasons for this problem, in this part we will introduce you to these reasons, so stay with us until the end of the article.

You don’t have a specific goal for Instagram activity

You don't have a specific goal for Instagram activity

A sharp drop in your page is most likely because you don’t have a specific goal in the field of Instagram activity. Everyone wants to have a lot of followers on their Instagram page and earn money in this way, but this is not the main goal on Instagram, because it is possible that whenever you are bored, you will be active on the page, and if you are not bored, you will not be active on this page. You don’t do the background, which will cause no growth in your page.

Lack of continuity in content production

Being active on Instagram is similar to the SEO activity of the site. Your activity should be daily and you should not stop your activity after publishing a post. In order to achieve success in this way, you must create the necessary continuity and have a detailed plan for publishing content. One of the most important reasons for the sharp drop in visits is the interruption of content production.

Long absence on the page

Another main reason Instagram page down Absences are long-term. Long absence means not being active for 20 or 30 days. Not being active at this time allows your followers to consider other pages to follow and follow them, which will cause serious damage to your page and active pages will be followed in priority. are placed.

Producing the content of a song

You might think that the content you produce is daily and you post and write stories on your page every day, but your page does not have significant statistics, what is the reason for this? One of the important reasons for your Instagram page to fail is the lack of content that you provide on the page. Instagram application is a space that needs new and creative content.

Creating repetitive content on Instagram

There are two models of repetitive content production on Instagram, one model of repetitive content production on the page and the next model of using other people’s content… The meaning of using repetitive content production is not the used topic, it is possible the location, the type of coverage, the way of talking to the audience. You and… be repetitive for your followers. In the second model, copying the content of competitors, many Instagram users think that if they copy other people’s content, they can get the same number of views, but this hypothesis is completely wrong and the process is completely different for the page.

Using fake followers

Another reason for the drop in page views is using fake followers. Using a fake follower for an Instagram page is completely wrong and a forbidden thing. Using fake followers will reduce the interaction on your page and this will cause a drop in visits to your page.

It is possible to be happy

Happiness means limitation, which you will not be able to understand. If you do not follow the copyright law, you will be recognized by Instagram. The copyright can be the song used in the video, which Instagram will recognize you at this time and refresh the page without informing you. The question that arises is how to know that the page is cheerful? Facing the drop in visits on Instagram is one of the most important reasons for the revelation of shadoban.

Action blocking

Pages that have abnormal activity will be blocked by Instagram Action, please note that you should not like, follow and unfollow at the same time. Do not answer in large numbers because all these things will cause your page to be action blocked. By repeating the action, your block page will be permanently blocked.

The flopping of your posts on Instagram

Flopping is a penalty that Instagram has recently introduced, flopping means showing your post to far fewer people than usual. When your page flops, the number of likes, comments and visits to your post will decrease. To avoid flopping, you should use special and attractive captions and avoid irregular and useless content on the page.

Change page topics

There are people who change the topics on their page, and these changes cause a drop because Instagram will be aware of the topic of your page for a long time. If you start changing the topic in a short time, you will see a sharp drop in the page. This issue also happens when you intend to buy a page because the previous owner of the page started the page for his own reasons and you intend to buy the page for another issue, this causes you to witness a sharp drop in the page.

Algorithm change on Instagram

Algorithm change on Instagram

Sometimes too Instagram page down It has nothing to do with you and your activity on the page, because the Instagram algorithm is constantly changing, with the addition of new items in the updates that are made for Instagram, we see a drop in some pages, at this time the only solution is to wait. so that after a period of time everything goes back to normal.

final word

In this article, we wanted to introduce you to the most important factors of the drop in the Instagram page Instagram page down You are worried and you don’t want this to happen to you and your page. Try to get a good feedback. In order to get the best feedback, you must continue your daily activities and don’t get tired in this way you have walked.


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