
Tips before posting on Instagram to enter Explorer

Tips before posting on Instagram to enter Explorer

In the past, businesses were very monotonous and boring, but today, with the advancement of technology, businesses have emerged that are no longer the same as before and have completely changed the situation. Most of these businesses are making money in a program called Instagram.

If you also want to succeed in this way, in this article we Digi follower site We will teach you the strategy of posting on Instagram, which is very important, so stay with us until the end of the article.

Instagram and businesses

What you will read next:

The first version of Instagram was launched in 2010 and was welcomed and popular by many users. At first, users only posted to share photos and videos, but when the program attracted many users, engineers added various features to Instagram.

Over time, this program was able to attract millions of users. In Iran, businesses were first on Telegram, and after Telegram filtering, they decided to transfer the business to Instagram, and these people were trained on the strategy of posting on Instagram to succeed in their work.

Businesses whose image and video were the first word and were high quality and creative entered this social network. They easily introduced their brand on Instagram to interested audiences.

When Instagram saw the users’ acceptance of businesses, it provided people with facilities such as building a business page and the facilities needed by a business. One of the reasons for the popularity of Instagram in Iran is the ease of starting a business. That is, instead of renting a place and getting a license, etc., you can start your own business just by learning the strategy of posting.

Posting on the Instagram app is not difficult, but if it is for your business, some posting tips should be followed. If you have launched a website, you can easily promote your brand and product by posting on Instagram, because millions of users visit it every day.

Now that you are familiar with the Instagram space and the importance of posting, you should learn the tricks and techniques of posting and pre-posting. The points you should learn are:

  1. Basic and regular posting

The meaning of basic and regular posting is the number of posts and the time of their publication. Some pages publish a large number of posts and stories per day. In these cases, users reject and do not see the content, regardless of the original content.

Or vice versa, some people don’t post anything even for weeks. In both cases, you will lose your audience; So plan and proceed with principles.

If your posts are too many, the user will ignore them, and if they are too few, your brand and product will be forgotten. So keep balance in posting so as not to harm your brand and product. By maintaining a balanced posting, your audience will be eager to see your posts.

Publishing time is also very important. In order to be able to find the best time to post on Instagram, take help from the characteristics and conditions of the audience. For example, if the audience of your post is students, then you should not post during teaching hours.

  1. Diversity and creativity

Do not act like the pages of your colleagues, do new things and have new ideas. Repetitive posting will make your page boring. If you have seen the pages of female influencers, they all produce the same style of content and are very boring for the audience.

If you make your brand unique, you will be successful in the long run. People pay even more for certain things and like them more.

Follow successful colleagues, but don’t be like them and follow your own style. This will make the audience more eager to see your posts, and your brand will be stronger.

  1. Personalized and high-quality video and images

Personalized and high-quality video and images

The presence of attractive images and videos attracts many people to the page. Creating visual content has a great impact on page views, because 92% of users prefer visual content to text. Posting videos and photos on Instagram is useful and profitable. Videos and images should be of high quality and attractive. Try to make your visual content closer to reality.

Use the effect in such a way that the image does not deviate from its true state and makes the product stand out.

Personalization is another point to consider, that is, consider a logo for your business and include it on your post. By following this point, other pages will not copy your content and your page will have a better and more official appearance.

How to post to explorer?

As we said, the strategy of posting to go to Explorer is very important and some points must be observed before posting. These points include:

  • You should create a sense of need for the audience between 10 and 24 hours before posting. For example, suppose your content is related to hair loss treatment shampoo, you can create a need for your audience in 4 stories.

Ask in the first story: Is their hair oily or dry? In the second story, say that oily hair will cause hair loss (make the person feel uncomfortable) and in the third story, say that if you don’t treat hair loss, you may lose all your hair in the next 10 years and become bald.

In the fourth story, say that don’t worry, be sure to follow our post tonight so that we can tell you the necessary solutions. Finally, after creating the need, you can publish the post.

  • Don’t publish any stories an hour or two before the post.
  • An hour or two before publishing the post, interact with the relevant hashtags of your post. (interaction means see the post, save it, like it and leave a comment)
  • You can consider a reward for those who story your post.


If you are also a business owner and you intend to improve your page, you can achieve your goal with the techniques and tricks that were mentioned. You can also take a shortcut to increase likes, comments, and followers, and that is buying from the Digi Follower site. With Buy quality followers Make the page progress in a short period of time.

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FAQ Tips before posting on Instagram

What points to follow when posting?

Use the location tag, don’t post at the same time, reply to comments and…

What should we do to be successful on Instagram?

Knowing the audience, regular and principled posting, having creativity, having a business account, interacting with the audience.

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