
The only way to save Instagram businesses and grow page statistics

The only way to save Instagram businesses and grow page statisticsThese days, many Instagram businesses have faced problems due to the problems that have arisen at the community level. In this article, we want to point out solutions to support businesses in the current situation.

You should know that if you decide not to be active in this situation, you may lose your page. This is because if you are inactive, your page will be removed from the algorithm and if this process continues for 1-2 months, your page will be completely lost.

In this article, we are going to review the things that support your business. In addition, it makes you have more sales.

Important factors for the growth of the Instagram page

What you will read next:

Increasing page interaction and communicating with customers

One of the easiest ways you can use that will help people remember you is to reply to old comments and directs. If your page or your employer was one of those pages that didn’t pay much attention to comments, or if it received a new comment for previous posts, it remained unanswered, or the number of its direct messages was so high that they failed to respond. Now is the time to answer them.

You may say that we do not have any comments or direct messages without an answer. Your solution is to design a new message and send it directly to your audience.

Reply to your old comments. What is the benefit of this work? When you reply to your old posts, there is an interaction, and the least that happens is that when you reply to a comment, you remind your audience of yourself.

Setting up a Telegram channel

Start your Telegram. The reason why most people are not active on their Instagram pages now is partly because the news will be heard more. Currently, people publish more news about the events of these days, and if you share posts and stories about the products and services you provide, it will not look good in the eyes of people, and it will be lost among other news.

You can transfer your business to Telegram to sell more and continue your activities. Many pages have done this to avoid ruining their business.

What you do is prepare a text and send it directly to customers who have already purchased from you. So you realize the importance of knowing who has bought from you in the past.

It is better if your message contains this content: I hope you are well, we all hope for victory and happy days. To continue our activities, we have transferred the activities to a channel in Telegram. We wanted to inform you that if you are looking for new services or products, visit our Telegram channel.

In the current situation, the majority of people will accept such a directive because they understand the situation and maybe there are very few people who will have a negative reaction. But in general, this can have a positive effect on your business.

Increase page statistics

Increase page statistics

The next solution is to work on pages and hashtags related to yourself and increase your page statistics. Now what is the meaning of activity? That means you can only like posts and stories or even leave comments.

Currently, one of the most effective and best ways to keep your page alive and active are interactive groups. If you want to work on other pages, it should be two-way. So, form interactive groups with any number on WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. and support each other’s business.

But what is the benefit of this work? By working on other people’s pages, you increase their page views and help increase their page statistics without having any new activity. So support each other bilaterally to overcome these conditions.

Biography and highlights

Your biography and highlight page should be updated according to the current situation. That is, in the biography of your page, address your audience that you are not active these days, but if you intend to buy or want to receive other services, you can contact us with this contact number or ID. With this, both the customers will get what they want and your sales will remain intact.

The next step is to create a highlight and give it a special cover that will attract comments. In this cover, insert the words of the ways of communication with us. Then in one day publish stories with this topic and state where your business has moved. If you have a website, put its address. Write the direct address and direct link of your WhatsApp or Telegram. Highlight all these and put them on your page.

Customer club and website

As we mentioned earlier, go to direct messages and send messages to those who have already bought from you. The more basic way is to have a customer club that you can communicate with via SMS or email or at least Telegram or on the website.

But if you are among those who do not have a customer club, try to find your customers in Direct and write them down somewhere. Now is the time to communicate with customers.

In addition to the customer club, if your products are a product that can be recharged by the customer, you can sell even in this situation by having a website with the information of your customers.

But note that doing this is not necessarily an easy task. Every day, several promotional text messages containing links to websites are sent to people. You should act in such a way as to increase the chances of your audience visiting your website.


In the current situation where most businesses are facing problems, we tried to help solve these problems to some extent by providing useful and practical solutions. Digi follower site With its many years of experience in providing Instagram services, it is ready to help you maintain your business and even make it better than before.

To increase followers and likes of your page, you can buy Instagram services from the Digi Follower site, such as buying followers, buying likes and even Buy an Instagram page With a high number of followers, increase the number of audiences and prevent the loss of followers.

If you want to read the article about the only way to save Instagram businesses and grow page statistics offline, download the pdf.

Frequently Asked Questions The growth of page statistics

How to increase sales on Instagram?

Monitor your audience, visual beauty, influence your audience, collaborate with brands.

Or does buying followers help the growth of the page and the growth of page statistics?

Yes, by buying followers, the amount of your followers will increase and you will gain a large audience. This will make users trust you easily and consider your page as authentic.

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